DSAA Keynote Speakers
Prof. David Donoho

Stanford University, USA

Prof. Michael I. Jordan

University of California, Berkeley, USA

Prof. Yoshua Bengio

University of Montreal, Canada

Christopher Bishop

Microsoft Research Cambridge, UK

Prof. Bin Yu

University of California, Berkeley, USA

Prof. Hiroaki Kitano

Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Graduate University, Japan

Serge Abiteboul

INRIA & ENS Cachan

Usama Fayyad

Barclays Bank, UK

  DSAA Sponsors/Supporters

The IEEE Task Force on Data Science and Advanced Analytics (TF-DSAA) creates and fosters a trans-disciplinary research and cross-domain practice network that concentrates on the research & innovation, education & training, development & applications, profession & communities, and economy & future. TF-DSAA enables to build and develop the deep synergy between statistics, mathematics, informatics, computing, big data, data science, and advanced analytics. It supports IEEE DSAA and other relevant events.