The 9th IEEE International Conference on Data Science and Advanced Analytics (DSAA) features its strong interdisciplinary synergy between statistics (via ASA), computing and information/intelligence sciences (IEEE and ACM), and cross-domain interactions between academia and business for data science and analytics. DSAA sets up a high standard for its organizing committee, keynote speeches, submissions to main conference and special sessions, and a competitive rate for paper acceptance. DSAA has been widely recognized as a dedicated flagship in data science and analytics such as by the Google Metrics, China Computer Foundation, and Australian CORE Ranking as an influential event in the area. The 9th IEEE International Conference on Data Science and Advanced Analytics (DSAA’2022) provides a premier forum that brings together researchers, industry and government practitioners, as well as developers and users of big data solutions for exchange of ideas on the latest developments in data science and on the best practice for a wide range of applications.
Research Track
This track solicits the latest, original and significant contributions related to foundations and theoretical developments of Data Science and Advanced Analytics. Topics of interest include but are not limited to:
- Data science foundations and theories
- Mathematics and statistics for data science and analytics
- Understanding data characteristics and complexities
- Data quality and misinformation
- Machine learning -based models, algorithms, and methods
- Optimization, inference, and regularization
- Infrastructures, and systems
- Evaluation, explanation, visualization, and presentatio
- Survey and review
Application Track
This track solicits high-quality, original papers describing applications of Data Science and Advanced Analytics across various disciplines and domains, including business, government, health and medical science, physical sciences, and social sciences. The focus is on papers that would be of interest to practitioners of Data Science and Advanced Analytics or would highlight new challenges for researchers driven by the specific needs and characteristics of application areas.
Topics of interest include but are not limited to:
- Domain-driven data science and analytics practice
- Real-world applications and case studies
- Operationalizable infrastructures, platforms and tools
- Deployment, management and decision-making
- System implementations and software demonstrations
- Social and economic impact modeling
- Ethics, social issues, privacy, trust, and bias
- Reflections and lessons for better practice
Submissions for both the research and applications tracks should very clearly specify the problem being solved, what methodologies were used to solve the problem, what data was used, how the results were evaluated, and how the solution is being used (ideally in production). Applying new data science methods to public data or data downloaded from competition sites (such as Kaggle), without a real problem (and problem owner) will not be accepted in this track.
Journal Track
We plan to organize one to two journal tracks on specific topics including with the International Journal of Data Science and Analytics (JDSA). The track solicits papers that meet the typical journal paper quality and at the same time are also appropriate for giving conference presentations. One potential journal track is on AI and Data Science in FinTech with JDSA, where papers addressing the interdisciplinary vision, position, review, theoretical and practical contributions to synergize AI, data science and machine learning with economics and finance are welcome. Survey, position and vision papers are also welcome for the journal track. Papers will be directly submitted and reviewed by the journals, with a two-page extended abstract published in DSAA’2022 proceedings and a presentation made to the conference’s journal track.
Submissions that do not meet these eligibility criteria may be rejected without formal review but can of course be transferred and resubmitted as regular papers to the journal for review. Authors who submit their work to this journal track commit themselves to present their papers at DSAA’2022 if their papers are accepted.
We may also explore other IEEE journals especially a prestigious one in the CIS for coping with DSAA journal track from the long-term strategic development perspective.
Paper Length, Formatting, and Reviewing
The paper length allowed for the papers in the Research and Application tracks is a maximum of ten (10) pages, whereas the paper length allowed for the papers in the the length of poster and journal track submissions is a maximum of two (2) pages. The format for both types of papers is the standard 2-column U.S. letter style IEEE Conference template. See the IEEE Proceedings Author Guidelines: for further information and instructions.
All submissions will be double-blind reviewed by the Program Committee on the basis of technical quality, relevance to the conference’s topics of interest, originality, significance, and clarity. Author names and affiliations must not appear in the submissions, and bibliographic references must be adjusted to preserve author anonymity. Submissions failing to comply with paper formatting and authors anonymity will be rejected without reviews.
All accepted papers and posters will be published by IEEE and will be submitted for inclusion in the IEEE Xplore Digital Library. The conference proceedings will be submitted for EI indexing through INSPEC by IEEE. Top quality papers accepted and presented at the conference will be selected for extension and invited to the special issues such as to the International Journal of Data Science and Analytics.
Important Dates
Paper submission: May 15, 2022
Special sessions submission: June 1, 2022
Notification on acceptance: July 25, 2022
Special sessions notification: July 31, 2022
Camera ready submission August: 15, 2022
Submission website: