TF-DSAA Annoucements
- IEEE DSAA’2018 welcomes to you to Turin, Italy.
- IEEE DSAA’2017 calls for papers, special sessions, tutorials, and next-generation data scientist award applications.
- IEEE DSAA’2016 acceptance rate is lower ever, 20.2%!
- Listen to the panel discussion video 1, video 2, video 3, and video 4 at DSAA’2016.
- Listen to Prof David Donoho’s DSAA’2016 keynote speech on 50 years of data science: past and future, video 1, video 2, video 3 and video 4.
- Listen to Prof Yoshua Bengio’s DSAA’2016 keynote speech on deep learning, video 1, video 2.
- IEEE DSAA’2016 attracted significant interest from industry/government, statistics, and multi-disciplines.
- Springer’s Journal on Data Science and Analytics had a fabulous start in achieving both quality and competitive acceptance rate goals.
- IEEE DSAA’2015 had a record number of sponsors, 18!.
- 2015 Big Data Summit was successfully held on 9-10 August 2015 in Hilton Sydney, attracted 450 registrations.
- IEEE DSAA’2015 was very well received by industry and multiple disciplinary audience in Paris.