IEEE DSAA'2015 will be held between 19-21 October 2015 in Paris. Sponsorship and opportunities to collaborate with DSAA'2015 should be directed to the DSAA'2015 Sponsorship Co-chairs at

What is DSAA?

IEEE DSAA is the only IEEE conference on Data Science and Advanced Analytics, and jointly sponsored by IEEE and ACM. DSAA aims at bringing together researchers, industry practitioners, as well as potential users of data science, data mining, machine learning, knowledge discovery, big data analytics, cloud computing, information and knowledge engineering and management, and their applications. DSAA creates a premier forum for discussions and exchange of ideas on the latest theoretical developments in data science as well as on the best analytics practices for a wide range of applications in industry and government.

What is the profile of DSAA attendees & organizers

DSAA'2014 in Shanghai attracted 200+ researchers and practitioners from academia, industry and government from 43 countries and regions. This includes entrepreneurs, chief analytics officers, leading data scientists and professors, talent young researchers and developers, and other thought leaders.

In DSAA, you have chances to talk to not only world leaders in the domains, but also talented young researchers, multi-national companies, and startups. As a result, DSAA creates opportunities for understanding the latest development and advancement in data science, technology and enterprising, attracting/recruiting the talented data scientists and engineers, and connecting real-world data and business problems to our academic colleagues.

What are the sponsorship benefits?

  • DSAA'2015 will match our sponsors with attendees (students and leading researchers) looking for jobs and collaborative opportunities.

  • Sponsors use the exhibition booth as a venue to advertise new products and services, and meet new customers. All of our attendees visit the exhibition booths.

  • Leading book publishers use our conference to advertise and sell the latest books to the largest gathering of data mining researchers.

DSAA appreciate your kind support to build the emerging data science and analytics community for ourselves, connecting high quality research with high impact development,  and high calibre analyst education.

We hope to see you at DSAA'2015!

Note: All amounts are in USD (US Dollar).

Platinum – $10,000


  • Option to speak to audience at their hosted meal/event

  • DSAA will send two emails to all DSAA'2015 attendees (before or after the conference) to connect you to our participants.

  • Complimentary double-space booth (Platinum sponsors will have high priority in booth selection)

  • Two complimentary registrations for exhibitors

  • DSAA'2015 will match conference attendees interested in jobs with your job descriptions & facilitate 1-on-1 meetings at the conference venue.

  • Special prominent placement of large logo/link on website

  • Large-size logo on conference bag and conference materials

  • Option to have brochure or CD included in all conference bags

Gold – $6,000


  • DSAA will send two emails to all DSAA'2015 attendees (before or after the conference) to connect you to our participants.

  • Complimentary double-space booth (Gold sponsors will have medium priority in booth selection)

  • Two complimentary registrations for exhibitors

  • DSAA'2015 will match conference attendees interested in jobs with your job descriptions & facilitate 1-on-1 meetings at the conference venue.

  • Logo on website, conference bag and conference materials

  • Option to have brochure or CD included in all conference bags

Silver – $3,000


  • Complimentary single-space booth (Silver sponsors will have priority in booth selection over non-sponsoring exhibitors)

  • Two complimentary exhibitor registrations

  • DSAA'2015 will match conference attendees interested in jobs with your job descriptions & facilitate 1-on-1 meetings at the conference venue.

  • Logo on website, conference bag and conference materials

  • Option to have brochure or CD included in all conference bags

Bronze – $1,000


  • One complimentary conference registration

  • Logo on website, conference bag and conference materials

  • Option to have brochure or CD included in all conference bags

Other sponsorship opportunities include Best Paper Award, Reception, Wireless, Trends & Controversies,  Conference Booklet, etc. Pricing or level of sponsorship can be discussed separately for sponsorship discussions at