Industry Track Review Criteria
I. Clarity of problem statement (Examples:)
Is the problem to be solved well defined?
Are the data sources/format/structure clear to the reader?
Is the system overall expected input/output clear?
II. Methodology (Examples:)
Is the data science/data engineering methodology sound from a foundational point of view?
Is it clear what are the parts that come from state-of-the-art/state-of-the-practice vs. any IPR that is contributed by organization (aka technical delta);
How you allocated resources to execute this project?
How did you managed risk (i.e. of running this project forever vs. having the minimum accuracy/reliability for a MVP release)?
How did you timeboxed the different tasks/stages of the project?
How did you prioritized the validation of different hypothesis?
Why did you choose this method instead of others?
Note: Novelty is not a pre-requisite nor an evaluation criteria in this track
III. Business Impact (Examples:)
How this project affected your company?
Did this project affected positively your company’s bottomline? How much?
How did you measured this outcome? (aka causality)
Did this project affect the way you organize your work or your teams?
If you asked your company’s CEO to describe this project in 5 words, which words he/she would use?
IV. Lesson's learned (Examples:)
If you needed to redo this project again, what you would change AND what you would do again?