Call for Sponsors


The IEEE International Conference on Data Science and Advanced Analytics (DSAA) aims to be the flagship annual meeting spanning the interdisciplinary field of Data Science. DSAA focuses on the science of data science, as well as data science applications to industry, government, and society. DSAA is the meeting point of all different scientific cultures. From the science side, DSAA spans all of the component fields of data science, including statistics, probabilistic and mathematical modeling, machine learning, data mining, and knowledge discovery, complexity science, network science, business analytics, data management, infrastructure, and storage, retrieval and search, security, privacy, and ethics. On the applications side, DSAA aims both to show researchers important problems and issues that are revealed by real applications and to show practitioners and users how the science can be applied to realize value.   

DSAA takes a strong interdisciplinary approach, differentiating itself from other conferences in AI, machine learning, data mining, and data science by its strong relationships to visualization, statistics, complex systems, and business, in addition to data analytics, machine learning, data mining, computing, and informatics. 

In previous years, DSAA has attracted 250-350 researchers and practitioners from academia, industry, and government from across the world. The audience includes government policymakers, entrepreneurs, chief data and analytics officers, leading data scientists and professors, talented young researchers/students and developers, and other thought leaders from major vendors, government organizations, and academia. 

Overall, this will consolidate sponsors’ branding opportunities and collaborations with the academics in fundamental long-term research and practitioners in applied and actionable large-scale innovations. Acting as a sponsor of the main conference, you will benefit from the top-level international community that an IEEE conference will attract and from the experienced and globally recognized leading researchers of the Program Committee able to attract prominent experts from the Data Science and Advanced Analytics communities. 

As in previous years, DSAA’2020 (Sydney), DSAA’2019 (Washington), DSAA’2018 (Turin), DSAA’2017 (Tokyo), DSAA’2016 (Montreal), DSAA’2015 (Paris), and DSAA’2014 (Shanghai), we are offering the opportunity to sponsor the conference and associated events.

Sponsorship opportunities and benefits

Bronze Sponsorship (300€)

  • Logo/link on website

  • Two free conference registration

Silver Sponsorship (600€)

  • Logo/link on website

  • Three free conference registration

  • DSAA’2021 will match conference attendees interested in jobs with your company through an online networking session

Gold Sponsorship (1.000€)

  • Logo/link on website

  • Four free conference registrations

  • DSAA’2021 will match conference attendees interested in jobs with your company through an online networking session

  • Opportunity to speak to the audience at the panel on the Societal Impact day

  • DSAA will include your logo in all e-mails that will be sent to all participants

  • One fee-free presentation slot (accepted contributions only) on the Industrial Track

Platinum Sponsorship (1.500€)

  • Logo/link on website

  • Five free conference registrations

  • DSAA’2021 will match conference attendees interested in jobs with your company through an online networking session

  • Opportunity to speak to the audience at the panel on the Societal Impact day

  • DSAA will include your logo in all e-mails that will be sent to all participants

  • Opportunity to speak at the Trends and Controversies panel

  • Special prominent placement of large logo and link on the website

  • One fee-free presentation slot (accepted contributions only) on the Industrial Track

Additional opportunities for sponsoring

Bronze, silver, gold and platinum sponsors can select additional sponsorship packages as well as dissemination and promotion opportunities, whereas lower grade sponsors always have to give precedence to higher grade sponsors.

  • Advertise your company/products between sessions (200€)

  • Advertise your company/products in opening and closing session (200 €)

  • Advertise your company/products during coffee breaks and lunch (200€)

  • Advertise your company/products between sessions and  within the coffee breaks and lunches (350€)

  • Advertise your company/products everywhere (500€)

    • Everytime we have a break everyone will see your logo or products

  • Doctoral Colloquium Sponsor (500€)

    • Your logo on the Web site and the Doctoral Consortium proceedings (published in the adjunct proceedings).

  • Industry Track and Workshop Track Sponsor (500€)

    • Your logo on the Web site and the industry track and workshop track proceedings (published in the adjunct proceedings).

  • Best Paper Award (500€)

    • A representative of your organization may participate in the award presentation ceremony (short speech).

    • Your logo on the award diploma. Paper and logo are published in the main proceedings.

If you are interested in supporting and sponsoring DSAA 2021, please contact:

Carlos Ferreira, ISEP, (Sponsor chair):

Alípio Jorge, University of Porto:

João Gama, University of Porto:


Join us at IEEE DSAA’2021