PhD Track
The IEEE International Conference on Data Science and Advanced Analytics (DSAA) is a premier conference in Data Science. It features a robust interdisciplinary synergy between statistics, computing, and information/intelligence sciences, as well as cross-domain interactions between academia and business/industry for data science and analytics.
The DSAA'2021 conference (Porto, Portugal) will include a PhD Track, serving as a forum for PhD students on all subjects relating to the intersection of the conference's main topics. We aim to give PhD students the opportunity to present their ongoing work and interact with senior researchers, experienced in supervising and examining doctoral students. Our main objective is for students to receive constructive feedback and useful advice from senior participants in a respectful and interactive environment. This forum will also be an enormous opportunity for students to develop their professional network, hoping that it may positively impact their future careers.
If you are interested in presenting your work in this PhD Track, please follow these instructions:
Prepare an extended abstract (maximum two pages) containing the following information: 1) authors' identification (names and affiliations of the author and advisors/collaborators), 2) problem definition and motivation, 3) proposal outline, 4) relevant related work and novelty. The format of papers is the standard 2-column U.S. letter style IEEE Conference template. See the Research & Applications Track Call for further information and instructions.
In case of acceptance, we will request you to provide a poster that describes your work one week before the PhD Track session. This poster will be presented on the day of the PhD track to facilitate discussions.
Submission will undergo a selection process. The sole criterion for acceptance is that the extended abstract must provide a clear, structured and well-written (in the English language) description of the PhD proposal's topics and objectives. It should also have a sufficient level of maturity to enable fruitful and constructive feedback from senior participants. Finally, the extended abstracts will not be formally published. Nonetheless, they will be publicly available on the conference website (unless the authors opt-out).
The PhD student participants must register for the conference and be at the PhD track session for the presentation.
Key Dates
Submission |
July 1, 2021
Author Notification
July 15, 2021