Gemma Garriga
Chief Digital Officer @Euler Hermes
As Chief Digital Officer, Gemma Garriga leads the digital transformation and innovation of Euler Hermes, the world's largest credit insurance provider. She is in charge of developing and accelerating critical innovations in the digital B2B trade ecosystem, such as API insurance frameworks and B2B platforms for Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) that aim to provide credit rating transparency at the time of the trade. Previous to that, Gemma headed the global AI & Advanced Analytics team of the insurer Allianz. At Allianz, she built the 300+ people strong community of Data Scientists and led its AI strategy and execution, focused on insurance process simplification and business model innovations. Gemma also has a previous track-record as a Machine Learning and AI researcher at INRIA, France. She has written over 40 scientific papers published in top-ranked international conferences and journals. Gemma is a passionate speaker for the topics of AI for good, business applications and operations of Machine Learning, and the ethical implications of data usage in the business world.
Convince with data to turn innovation into action!
10-08-2021 - 08:30-08:30
Data-driven transformation, and its sister term digital transformation, are both hot topics in the industry world. Yet often, corporations and leaders are unclear of what it takes to bring it from an idea into actions and results. Even once a plan is set, different traps and cognitive biases plague the path that data scientists and engineers walk in order to enable business impact in their organisations: from breaking the status-quo bias, persuading non-technical teams with data science, building production-ready solutions, to solving the challenges of re-positioning business models on data. Building on the experience from traditional industries and new players, this talk discusses the approaches for implementing data strategies from the lab to the real world. We will focus on solving tough data problems, both technical and people perspectives, and how thought-through data science processes help pave the way to success in any business venture.