Hillol Kargupta

Hillol Kargupta

Agnik LLC


Co-Founder and President @Agnik Group

Hillol Kargupta is a co-founder and the President of the Agnik Group, a collection of distributed data science businesses for connected cars and devices. Agnik is the owner of popular consumer connected car brands like Vyncs (https://vyncs.com) that are widely used worldwide. Dr. Kargupta is an IEEE Fellow. He has more than 25 years of experience in computing and business leadership. He published more than 100 peer-reviewed articles. His team received many awards such as the 2010 Frost & Sullivan Enabling Technology of Year Award, 2016 Fleet Logistics Tech Outlook Top-10 Fleet Management Solution Provider for smartphone-based telematics product, CIO Review 2015 20 Most Promising Automotive Technology Solution Providers, IEEE Top-10 Data Mining Case Studies Award. Dr. Kargupta won the IEEE ICDM 10-year Highest Impact Paper Award in the field of Privacy Preserving Data Mining, IBM Innovation Award in 2008 and the National Science Foundation CAREER award in 2001 for his research on ubiquitous and distributed data mining. His other awards include the 2003 IEEE International Conference on Data Mining for a paper on privacy-preserving data mining, Best of 2008 SIAM Data Mining Conference (SDM'08) and Most Interesting Paper of WebKDD'06. He also won the 2000 TRW Foundation Award, 1997 Los Alamos Award for Outstanding Technical Achievement, and 1996 SIAM Annual Best Student Paper Award. He served as the Program/General chair/co-chair of many leading data science conferences such as the IEEE Conference on Data Mining, SIAM Data Mining Conference, ACM SIGKDD Conference among others. He also served as the Editors/Associate Editors of many journals and books such as the IEEE Transactions of Knowledge and Data Engineering and IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, Cybernetics. He was a Professor of Computer Science at the University of Maryland, Baltimore County until July, 2014. He received his Ph.D. in Computer Science from University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign in 1996.


  • Data Science for Marketing Connected Cars Products: A Complex Systems Approach

    10-08-2021 - 14:00-15:00

    Data science is playing an increasingly important role in almost every critical aspect of the business life cycle. Connected and autonomous car businesses are no exceptions. Digital marketing of connected car products is one such important aspect where data science is changing the game. Even if you have a great product, unless you figure out a way to reach the customer with an acceptable cost of customer acquisition, the business may not be successful. Therefore, showing up above the “crowd” is important but it is not just about pouring money on advertisement. Understanding the behavior of the search rank algorithms used in the digital marketing platforms with respect to the product is very important. Modern search rank algorithms make use of historical training data about how customers react to the information about a product. For example, more clicks and conversions contribute to better search ranks in some platforms. Better search rank begets more user action and more user action begets better ranks. When the past changes the future this way, a complex business process often exhibits interesting dynamical behavior involving convergence, stability, and dimensional properties among others. This talk will underscore the need to understand the dynamical behavior of the data science algorithms for the success of a business process. It will also offer an overview of our experience in building and marketing Vyncs (https://vyncs.com), a best-selling connected car product used in 200+ countries worldwide. The talk will end with a discussion on some of the emerging challenges for both product development and marketing of connected car products.


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